Hello friends and colleagues.
My name is J.P. Hugo Vargas. Thank you for coming to hang out for a bit.
Please allow me to be clear.
I only wish to share on this medium ideas of a creative nature. If I do expound on any idea, concept, or thoughts of another, be aware that I do so only inherently from the point of opinion. We must take into consideration justifications, arguments, speech acts, and of course the critical aspect of reading when engaging in dialog as a human collective. I will try my best to differentiate any fact from opinion on my end and hope that readers do so as well. I am an expert in nothing. I expect that to be understood. Characters or the traits found in some, do not represent me in any manner besides a vehicle to explore places or states of mind that I find interesting.
Enjoy the strange meanderings of my character studies, some oddball ideas, and whatever prose you may enjoy of mine.
Let’s all do our best.
J.P. Hugo Vargas