
3. Dedication page of my 1st novel: I still find fitting after 4 years.


To the Deists, Catholics, Muslims, Jews, Christians, Pagans, Denominations of Faiths Unknown, those who read the wisdom in the East, the old Mystics, Magicians, Norse, and those who believe in the passing of celestial bodies and worship the galaxies and ether: all women and all men of colors as varied as the Pantone hues of the earth. Those of every political ideology and thought, let us all rise above, and let us build everlasting peace. The bonds we share are as multiple as the grains of soil and sand that we all must become, we are all of the same marrow, of the same passions, and overwhelming love and grace. We are powerful when indivisible, and joined by our humanity.

Your friend always,

J.P.H Vargas

Hartford CT  2016

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